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this is a searchable archive of the questions i've answered on retrospring (rip), tellonym, and neospring. realistically it's mostly here because retrospring is defunct and i like having things searchable. if you're on mobile, turn your phone sideways and this page works better.


anonymous asked: just finished ur chanlix bitching fic and ugh oh my god it’s So Good !! felix trying to figure out what he wants and chan trying to make sure felix is doing it for the right reasons ugh ugh ugh . so good . i’ve noticed it’s part of a series so i must say im super excited about the next part! presumably we’ll see some reaction from other members who i suspect may not all be so surprised
omg retrospring didn't show me this! yes, there's more members in the sequel because there's a lot of... if the first part is about (physically) transitioning and what a journey it can be, the second part is about learning it doesn't 100% solve all your problems. so felix gets frustrated when other people (including chan!) don't necessarily get why he's upset at getting what he wanted.

(it's microaggressions. felix is experiencing microaggressions related to his new secondary gender that he did not really think about prior to transitioning and is like "i still would have done it but WOW i wish someone had warned me about how rude interviewers are to male omegas.")

it actually only became two parts because i was writing and was like "oh this is going to be way longer than i thought" and it was supposed to be just... horny. so i split off the horny part and was like "well, the really introspective part about the nature of being trans can just be. another fic.
anonymous asked: jicheol useless lesbians woozi with big tits… YOU DID THIS FOR ME OMG i know this isn’t relevant to the couple but do you think the other sexual awakening was hooni3? again not relevant to the plot but all of svt is helplessly in love with w00zi (imagine how they are when she works out and gets an ass) do you think for the girls it’s almost a right of passage to like her- sorry if this doesn’t make sense, again loved the fic
(sorry i've been busy bc my friendgroup has three birthdays in a row starting with mine) NO NO YOU'RE SO RIGHT i like to think that somewhere early after debut (so like mansae era) sy and jh got into this huge fight over something stupid and sy ends up kissing her and then gets worried that sc is gonna kick her out of the band but sc just thinks it's really funny. jh has been getting confessed to like every month since she and sc got together (by people of both genders) but this is the first time someone's kissed her about it. gyu just stuttered a lot and gave jh a lipgloss and jh was like "uh, thanks?" and shua was like "would you like to go out sometime?" which made jh blush and mumble that she had a gf.

their "everyone minus jh and sc" groupchat is "hoon and the pussycats" bc shua said it once and it stuck. it dies out after a couple years and then they immediately revive it when she starts working out with sc and 1. it makes her STACKED stacked and 2. THAT ASS
anonymous asked: everyone loves wz agenda is my favorite because he loves them back JUST AS MUCH like to me he is whoever his members want him to be like that is a sub and i KNOW IT and the members loveeee to pamper him but in ways that don’t overwhelm him i also feel they are very protective of him and even get jealous
this is such a funny thing to get rn bc one of the things i'm working on is something where all sc wants to do is worship jh.

100% agree that the members looooove to pamper him in whatever way they can manage though. they want to buy him little anime figures and shirts that aren't five years old and stretched out with holes in them!! but mostly they settle for, like. buying him take out lmao. and trying not to be unnecessarily rude when he says he's going to hang out with his friend ty. it's good that he has other friends, probably?? and talks to non-members???? but they don't like it. nobody knows how to treat their baby right but them :(
anonymous asked: what's your zodiac sign?
i'm a leo sun! the rest of the spread is capricorn moon, sagittarius rising, virgo venus.
anonymous asked: Do you have siblings?
i do! i have a younger brother.
anonymous asked: How tall?
not very! i'm a little over five feet tall.
anonymous asked: Are you able to choose a favorite movie, or is it too hard?
currently it's challengers!
anonymous asked: can u share what music u are listening to right now?
i'm going to see ateez this weekend so i've mostly been listening to them! normally i mix in alt/rock music and rap (yes i have been listening to "not like us" on repeat recently) though.
anonymous asked: what era do u think u should have been born in
i think i should have been born into the 1950s/60s when being a housewife was more regularly achievable and not just a rich people thing for conservatives 😔 i like doing chores and cleaning the house! i would love for that to be my whole job, but the demands of capitalism mean i have to have a job.
anonymous asked: which behavior from other people can u not tolerate today, that u were ok with in the past?
i used to be more okay with people making ignorant comments because they could just he learning! and people deserve grace for that. but i'm old and tired now and i'm like "actually i think you should know better."
anonymous asked: what do you do on the weekend?
hang out with friends, mostly! my friend and i do a book club every saturday where we read a book and talk about it.
anonymous asked: Do you answer all the questions you receive?
nah. some of them are pretty similar or not really questions so i skip those. some i haven't answered because i haven't thought of an answer yet, though!
anonymous asked: Have you ever been in love ?
yes! i've actually been with my current partner for almost a decade.
anonymous asked: dating someone with money who buys u nice things or someone who spends more time with u?
from the way the question is worded, someone who buys me nice things. like, a person who buys me nice things and hangs out with me a normal amount is more preferable to me than someone who i spend a lot of time with. i need a lot of alone time, so i'm not really into hanging out with people i'm dating a lot.
anonymous asked: what do u think about jealousy in relationships?
i'm not really a person who gets jealous? i understand it as an emotion, though, so i think a little jealousy is fine as long as you're keeping it in check. it's when you start doing stuff like snooping on your partner's phone or whatever that it becomes a problem.
anonymous asked: How you feelin the last weeks?
pretty good! it was my birthday and then i went to a concert so this has been a hot girl summer for me.
anonymous asked: one thing you are missing atm
i've been really missing croquettes from when i lived in japan recently. 😔 used to be able to get them easily but then i moved from california to the midwest and the state of asian food here is dire, you guys.
anonymous asked: any music you could recommend
i've been really loving the new lady gaga and bruno mars song! didn't realize how much i missed bruno mars until i heard it. i'm also really into peach prc's new song "time of my life."

some other smaller artist recs: the last dinner party, maisie peters, zolita. random kpop rec: cix, &team, xg, dreamcatcher.
anonymous asked: What is the best thing about being in a relationship?
the best thing about being in a relationship is 100% being able to complain about ultra petty things. bitch eating crackers shit i would never say out loud to anyone else but i know my partner's not gonna judge me for it. stuff like "i saw someone reading a colleen hoover book on the bus" or whatever.

it doesn't impact my day, but kvetching is important.
anonymous asked: Who was the last person you texted?
friend group chat when we went out for a friend's birthday was the last time i texted. the last singular person i texted was my mom.
anonymous asked: do you usually remember your dreams?
usually! one time i was so mad at my dream i woke myself up, because i was on the run from the government and when they finally caught me they offered me anything i wanted and in the dream what i wanted was apparently ten thousand dollars. ten thousand dollars? can you imagine john wick getting paid ten thousand dollars for turning himself in.
anonymous asked: Rain or snow? 💨
i don't like either! 😭 but rain is nice under some circumstances. i like being inside and cozy when it's raining outside, for example! so rain over snow
anonymous asked: Opinion on having the same friends as siblings?
i think it's fine. it never happened with me and my brother because he was 3 years younger than me and 4 grades below me so we were only in the same school for a couple years in elementary school, but i've been friends with a lot of siblings so it's never bothered me.
anonymous asked: how do u react to compliments?
i used to reject them, but then i realized that was hurtful to the other person's feelings. so i worked on myself and now i just thank them!
anonymous asked: Are you able to forgive easily?
i'm pretty easygoing in general, so yeah! there's only a couple things that i don't forgive people for, like repeatedly lying to my face, and i try to forgive as long as i can understand the other person's viewpoint. even if i'm hurt, sometimes giving someone a second chance is an opportunity for them to grow.
anonymous asked: how would you describe yourself, open or shy?
out of these two options, shy. i wouldn't necessarily categorize it as shy, even though it comes across that way sometimes, but it's more like... private. it takes me a while to get comfortable and open up to people, so i sometimes don't talk much and just absorb what's going on instead.
anonymous asked: how are you feeling today ?
pretty good! i did a lot of work on a personal project and it was tough but i like having a gameplan for what i'm doing.
anonymous asked: any plans for the upcoming days?
not really! i have chores to do tomorrow and then it's just work work work. 😔
anonymous asked: how would u currently react to someone asking u on a date
if it's someone i'm into i would say i have to speak to my partner first since we're poly, but it's rude to start something with someone without communication. if it's someone i'm not into, i would simply say i'm already dating someone.
anonymous asked: is falling in love something that scares you?
not really! i think it can be scary sometimes, but mostly it's a lot of fun.
anonymous asked: ever been in a sauna and how did u like it
i haven't, but that's because i really don't like humidity so i don't think i would have much fun in one haha
anonymous asked: do u make decisions emotionally or rationally and y
i tend to be a bit of a t who's making decisions too rationally haha! so i've learned to listen to my emotions a bit more when it comes to my personal relationships and things like that
anonymous asked: what makes u happy lately?
i rewatched one of my favorite anime from when i was younger with my partner recently and it was a lot of fun! i also read the book of tea duology by judy i. lin recently and loved it. so i guess the media i've been consuming recently has made me happy.
anonymous asked: how often do u speak to ur parents?
not very! i last spoke to them a couple weeks ago around my birthday and that's about normal. it's what happens when you live across the country from them and you're a grown adult with your own life.
anonymous asked: Any pets?
no, i'm really allergic to dander which means i can't be near most animals. 😔 i want a cat so badly but i'm really really allergic!
anonymous asked: why do u think its so hard to talk about sex
i think a lot of people got taught some fucked up stuff by religion, which has led them to think sex is a bad thing. but like a lot of things, practice makes perfect! talk about it, even if it's awkward, and you'll get more comfortable with it.
anonymous asked: Do you have advice for someone who wants to make a big change in their life?
i can't really give advice on this one! every time i've made a big change in my life, i've just done it. i moved to a different country. i moved across the country. so i guess my advice is just do it??
anonymous asked: What did your last text say and who was it to?
it was to a friend who likes the scream movies and said "also you should watch this video" and had a link to the mv for sabrina carpenter's "taste."
anonymous asked: u cool with dating someone younger?
my current partner is several years younger than me, so yes!
anonymous asked: do you prefer texting or voice messages
in general, texting. i don't vary my tone much when i talk and it's a bit confusing to people who don't know me very well.
anonymous asked: Have you ever cheated in a relationship?
nah. i mean, like. in most of my relationships it's been as easy as asking for permission so i've never felt the need?
anonymous asked: do u ever check the following list when ur with someone?
no. i think that level of micromanagement is a sign that you need to either work on the relationship or break up. being in a relationship requires a certain level of trust, so if you can't trust your partner to be normal then that's a sign something's wrong.
anonymous asked: you interested in art?
yes! i went to art school, actually. these days i mostly do graphic design, but in college i worked a lot with textiles.
anonymous asked: Cats or dogs
i'm a cat person but i'm ULTRA allergic 😭
anonymous asked: Vanilla or chocolate
my mom really likes chocolate so as a child i developed a taste for vanilla out of self preservation. i do really think vanilla is a great base for a lot of flavors, though, so it works out for me as an adult who loves making Flavor Combinations™.
anonymous asked: Are you being honest?
i'm too much of a T to not be honest, so yes.
anonymous asked: Do you like to cook?
i like cooking a normal amount, i think. i'm really more of a baker! i used to stress-bake tiered cakes (like a wedding cake, with them stacked on each other) in college.
anonymous asked: never care or care too much?
i think i'd rather care too much than never care. there was a period where i was really depressed and the inability to care about stuff was probably the worst part of the depression for me. i like liking stuff!
anonymous asked: How would you handle it if you were betrayed by someone you trust?
it depends a little on their response. recently someone i thought was my fairly close friend told a different friend that we were never actually friends and i definitely hated them and we were actually enemies, which wasn't true.

my friend tried to clear that up, but that person was adamant that i hated them because that was their perception of the situation. which is fine, but then they demanded i apologize for hating them, and i told them that i really don't, but they kept insisting. they also didn't seem to understand why i felt a little betrayed that they thought we were enemies and thought that was some kind of psy-op to prove my hatred? so i had to block them.

in most situations, though, i try to talk to that person and see their point of view. i might not be able to forgive them immediately, but i am willing to give a second chance if it seems like that person understands what they did wrong.
anonymous asked: how do you feel about your ex still liking your pics
i don't really care. if my ex is still able to like my pics, that means i didn't feel the need to block them and therefore i'm probably fine with being friendly with them.
anonymous asked: What's your Username on Snapchat?
i don't have a snapchat!
anonymous asked: do u like roses?
yes! they're one of my favorite flowers. i especially like old-fashioned tea roses. when i lived in california, i used to go visit the rose garden all the time.
anonymous asked: cheese or chocolate
between these two options, chocolate! i'm not exactly lactose intolerant, but i'm not NOT lactose intolerant, ykwim? and cheese is really bad for my stomach, so i try not to eat too much of it.
anonymous asked: go out or stay home
i'm mostly a stay home person! i do like going out, but i like going out for a reason (like a concert or other event) so if i don't have to go out, then i'll stay in.
anonymous asked: piercing or tattoo?
i want to get a tattoo eventually, so tattoo? i'm not a huge fan of how fiddly piercing jewelry can be, so i don't really want more piercings.
anonymous asked: what is the best colour for a car
any color but white. i don't know why, but even black cars are easier to tell apart than white cars, which all look identical to me and every time i've needed to identify a white car, i've had to memorize a license plate.

my personal favorite color for cars is red, though! i think it's kind of like red lipstick in that you have to have the confidence to drive one, though.
anonymous asked: Can you swim?
i can! i'm from california, so this isn't that surprising, but i'm not a super strong swimmer or anything.
anonymous asked: do you think youre a good texter
not especially! i sometimes look at messages and forget to actually respond to them for hours on end so
anonymous asked: how is your mood at the moment
pretty good! i'm tired because i just went grocery shopping, but i like the workout of pushing the cart, so it's a good kind of tired you know?
anonymous asked: whats more important family or relationship?
i think this is one where you have to evaluate and it's not easy to make distinctions. either one can be abusive, so in the case of abusive parent, i wouldn't say they're more important than your partner. same goes for the opposite way around.

for me, though, my partner is my family so they're equally important.
anonymous asked: what do you love?
i love food, honestly! i was raised to be really adventurous about food, so i like trying new things. i also like music, like i've mentioned before, and reading.
anonymous asked: do you tend to overthink?
not really! i used to overthink a lot when i was younger, so i learned to recognize when i'm doing it and now that i can recognize when i'm trying to talk myself out of something, i don't overthink much anymore.
anonymous asked: have u had ur first kiss?
yup! i was on a camping trip with my boyfriend at the time and he missed at first because our friend called my name and i turned.
anonymous asked: you got an instagram account?
i do, but i don't use it for posting! i just browse on it.
anonymous asked: Do you have a crush on somebody?
not really! my ult is woozi, though, for those of you who that combination of words means something to
anonymous asked: do u think girls or guys cheat more often?
i think it's equal. cheating is more of a personality thing than a gender thing.
anonymous asked: what's your eye color?
brown! it's a very dark brown, though, so it's listed on my id and stuff as black. eye doctors sometimes have a hard time measuring my eye dilation and stuff because my irises are so dark.
anonymous asked: Ever see a teacher outside of school? explain
a lot of my family members are teachers so i saw a lot of teachers outside of school, haha. if you're talking about teachers i had in school, though, my high school biology teacher's sister was the mother of my cousin's best friend so one time at my cousin's birthday party i opened the door and my biology teacher was just standing there to drop off her niece. it was awkward af, because we both had no idea due to the different last names.
anonymous asked: which hair color would you prefer?
on other people or myself? on other people i don't really care but on myself i like warm tones like red. my hair is orange currently.
anonymous asked: do you have streaks on snap?
i don't have snapchat, so no!
anonymous asked: Do u prefer night or day?
i'm much more than a night owl, honestly. i used to work with people in japan, so i was awake at night at lot and it's how i live now.
anonymous asked: what is wrong with u today
i have a migraine 😔
anonymous asked: what do you think about people who drive expensive cars?
my uncle always told me to walk slower across the crosswalk if you see a mercedes bc they won't risk their car and if they hit you, you know they probably have money.
anonymous asked: how would u feel if while u were dating ur partner got famous and broke up with u?
depends. like if they break up with me because they're famous and want to get laid, i'd be pretty annoyed and probably get in touch with my journalism connections to start some shit. if they break up with me because it's putting a lot of strain on our relationship (like too much travel or crazy fans) i'd be sad, but ultimately understanding.
anonymous asked: why do people always like u
people don't always like me and, in fact, frequently dislike me. that's part of life. you are always someone's bitch eating crackers.
anonymous asked: do u use Tik Tok?
not really! like sometimes my friends send me tiktoks to watch but i don't otherwise us it
anonymous asked: Do you wish you were smaller or taller or do you like your height?
i wish i was taller, but like. a tiny bit taller. i'm 5'2" and i just wanna be a perfectly average 5'5" or something
anonymous asked: do you want to buy a car one day?
not really! i like public transit fine.
anonymous asked: which color do you like the most?
my favorite color is lime green, but i also like warm tones (red/pink/orange) and other shades of green.
anonymous asked: what time do u aprox. go to bed?
usually around 4:30AM-5AM. to be fair, though, i used to work with people across the world in a different timezone so i was working until 2-3AM a lot.
anonymous asked: what do you think about kids getting everything they want
i think it's actually pretty important for kids to not get everything they want. that's how kids grow up really spoiled and entitled, so it's better to learn that they can't just have anything they want.
anonymous asked: You like blue or green eyes better? 👁
green! blue eyes are fine, but i like the varying depth of green eyes.
anonymous asked: Ice cream or chips
ice cream, but because i like all kinds of ice cream and only a select number of kinds of chips.
anonymous asked: do you consider yourself shy?
not really? i'm just very reserved and a little bit socially anxious, which sometimes comes off as being shy.
anonymous asked: How do you deal with the feeling that your friends are more popular?
i cheer them on and support them! i might be the wrong person to ask this, because i don't really care about popularity. i want to be the opposite of popular, honestly.
anonymous asked: Do you have advice for people who feel lonely because they don't have any friends?
a thing that i've learned from being a very reserved person who maybe respects other people's boundaries TOO much is that if you feel lonely then you have to do something to change that. i used to be a person who really, really didn't like talking to other people or stepping out of my comfort zone. i'd wait for people to talk to me, so i'd know they "wanted" to talk to me.

but friendship is work. you have to give something back to make a friendship work, so sometimes you have to dm people or text them out of the blue and say things so they know you're invested. it's not always easy! but you can't expect other people to hold up your relationships without giving them anything in return.
anonymous asked: R u a gamer?
i wouldn't really call myself a gamer, haha. not anymore, anyway. i play video games and love them, though!
anonymous asked: how do u feel about people who take birth control
based. love that for them. birth control is important.
anonymous asked: Would you every cut your own hair?
i actually cut my own hair a couple months ago. i don't really do complicated styles, so i mostly just chopped the length off and cleaned up the ends. if i wanted something super layered or more complicated, i would definitely go to a professional though.
anonymous asked: which place in your city do u like the most?
i think if i don't say the bean they kick me out of chicago? so it's a good thing i do love the bean. my second favorite is the field museum. love to go see my best pal sue, nonbinary icon!
anonymous asked: u a summer or winter person
i'm very much a summer girlie. i lived in california for most of my life, winter is fake and i'm still not used to snow 😭
anonymous asked: Are you a good singer?
i'm okay in a choir sense! can carry a tune fine, generally able to hit notes, but not really soloist material.
anonymous asked: have you ever said you were older? why?
like, as a lie? because i haven't done it as a lie, but i do it all the time irl. i just look very young and i'm quite short so people think i'm a college student. i graduated college over a decade ago.
anonymous asked: what do u think about ppl that photoshop their selfies?
i don't have a problem with retouching photos. sometimes something's just a little off or the photo's dark and you want to slightly tweak it so you can post. that's fine. if someone is extensively retouching all their photos, though, that feels like something to be examined. i don't really care about the action, but i do get concerned when someone seems to be exhibiting unhealthy habits like that.
anonymous asked: Do you think someone has feelings for you atm?
i hope so! it would be really awkward if my partner didn't have feelings for me.
anonymous asked: Do you have breakfast everyday? 🍳
not usually! well, i usually eat something when i wake up, but i wake up closer to noon because of my work schedule so it's only "breakfast" because it's the first meal of the day.
anonymous asked: thoughts on being told ur just too sensitive when ur upset over something they did
i think generally when people tell you that you're being too sensitive, it's a point where you should take a breath and step back from the situation. sometimes it's someone deflecting, but sometimes a friend is trying to tell you that you're having an emotional reaction. it's easier to tell when you have some space from a situation.
anonymous asked: what do u want to know about girls?
if i wanted to know something about girls, i think i would just ask one.
anonymous asked: what do you think of people who only wear expensive clothes?
good for them.
anonymous asked: looks or personality?
personality. too many people are really hot and insufferable as people 😔
anonymous asked: could you imagine a long distance relationship?
i was in a ldr for a while before my partner and i moved in together, so yes
anonymous asked: do u drink alcohol?
sometimes! not that often, though. i'm not super big on the taste.
anonymous asked: do you like children?
i do! children are great, i work with them every day :)