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My Chemical Romance, Frank/Gerard, 1122 words
The rest of it is nice too, Gerard guesses, but the marathon sex gets exhausting after a while and sometimes Gerard would rather have this: Frank above him and shaking with the effort of keeping himself up, almost crying with need and want.
Boku No Hero Academia, Deku/Todoroki, 1013 words
“Please,” Izuku repeats. He's actually crying now, but it doesn't answer Shouto's question. “Please, please, please.”
“Shh, shhhhhh.” Shouto's grip on Izuku tightens, trying to get him lucid enough to answer a question. He doesn't know what happened to make Izuku like this outside of a heat, and he needs an answer to that question before anything else. As much as he generally loves Izuku begging, it's not really helping at the moment. “You need to tell me what you're asking for first.”
Everyman HYBRID, Evan/Stephanie, 997 words
“Cut me,” Evan says. “Steph, please.”
“There you go.”
Steph smiles and presses a kiss to Evan's temple before she shifts to sit next to him on the bed. It's important to be sweet before she has to be mean.
Kuroko no Basuke, Aomine/Kagami/Kuroko, 1013 words
“I want to try something different.”
They're sitting on the couch, Tetsuya petting Taiga's hair and Daiki kneeling on the floor where Tetsuya put him. When Tetsuya speaks, they both look at him curiously. He's trained his alphas well, Tetsuya thinks, because they don't speak without having permission. Some people would say that alphas can't be trained, but Tetsuya knows better. His boys are perfectly obedient because they know better than to disobey.
Fall Out Boy/Panic! at the Disco, Brendon/Patrick, 1116 words
Five times Patrick got high with Brendon and one time he didn't.
One Direction, Harry/Louis, 1113 words
Louis is kneeling on the floor in front of where Harry's seated on the couch, hands neatly folded behind his back. He's so good that it's beautiful, really. He hasn't said what he wants, exactly, but Harry doesn't have to ask. There's only one thing that Louis is asking for when he's like this and Harry is happy to give it to him. He unbuttons his jeans and pulls the zipper down, freeing his cock for Louis to take into his mouth, which he immediately does.
Shadowhunters, Magnus/Alec, 1048 words
“Magnus.” The word is somewhere between a sob and a whine, Alexander's hands pawing at his jeans again as his tone only gets more desperate. “Magnus.”
“No.” Magnus takes Alexander's hands and pins them above his head. He would do it with magic, but he's afraid of the response that might trigger in a not quite lucid Shadowhunter. The next time they do this, Magnus thinks, he'll have to fit Alexander for restraints. “No, Alexander.”
Captain America, Bucky/Steve, 1165 words
It's a known historical fact that Steve doesn't have a single cell in his body what knows self-preservation. Bucky'd be glad to confirm that for anybody who don't believe it, and he's choosin' to believe that particular quirk of Steve's personality is what landed 'em here.
Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles, 1047 words
Okay, so like. It's not a thing, no matter how much Scott wrinkles his nose and tells Stiles that it's definitely a thing. Like. Just. It's not a thing! It is absolutely, definitely, positively, 100% not a thing.
“It's a thing,” Lydia says. It's bored, matter of fact. She's filing her nails, but she pauses to inspect them and make sure they're all even. “Every time Derek so much as moves his arms, you're practically drooling. It would be cute, except you're a pathetic loser and you're having some sort of gay crisis over Derek's arms.”
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Newt/Percival, 1150 words
“Percival,” he says. The wampus looks over at him and blinks. “We've talked about this.”
As if it doesn't even understand him, the wampus flops onto the floor and rolls over to expose its belly. Newt bends down so he can look the wampus in the eye, but pointedly does not give a belly rub that's so obviously being asked for. There are rules, even if Newt doesn't enforce them as much as he should, and part of that is not rewarding bad behavior. He has an easier time with that—it's harder to overcome his biological nature as an omega when the punishments are harsh, and easier when he can justify it away as being necessary for their wellbeing.
“Percival,” Newt says again. “Don't pretend like you don't understand me—I know perfectly well that you do.”
Captive Prince, Auguste/Damen/Laurent, 1544 words
It's traditional for omegas to wear soft, flowing dresses and skirts, but the closest that Damen has ever seen Laurent get to that is the nightgowns that Laurent wears when they sleep and the dress he wore on their wedding day. Still, Laurent usually keeps to the general style of what's “appropriate” for omegas, so to speak. His trousers are soft and flowing, much like a skirt that's been split to allow a wider range of movement, and his blouses are appropriately cut looser than an alpha's would be, but still close-fitting enough to not be cumbersome like some of the fashions that omegas wear.
All of this is to say that while Laurent doesn't strictly dress the way other omegas do, Damen doesn't think that anyone would question that his husband still dresses in the omegan fashion and that what Laurent is currently wearing is, very decidedly, not something that would be appropriate for an omega in either Akielos or Vere. Were it not for the style of his hair, Damen thinks that Laurent might almost pass for an alpha to someone who didn't know better.
Yowamushi Pedal, Makishima/Toudou, 1037 words
There's a jingling of a bell, and Yusuke appears from around the corner, primly sitting in front of Jinpachi. He doesn't always come when called, but they're working on that—rewarding him for good behavior, though, is required for Yusuke to learn proper manners. Jinpachi reaches behind Yusuke's ears and skritches, causing Yusuke to purr.
“Good kitty,” Jinpachi says. He bends down, pressing their lips together briefly. “Turn around, Maki-chan. I have to brush your hair.”
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, 1004 words
Maybe he should have know, then. Maybe he should have figured it out, but then he went away to college and he was away from Dean for long enough to forget. Long enough to pretend like there wasn't anything between them, really.
Voltron: Legendary Defender, Keith/Shiro, 2232 words
It's a relief to be able to say Keith's name. To know that the brief moment where he thought he'd lost Keith was nothing more than that: a moment. Of course, Keith still needs to rest, but he's out of the hospital and it's been torture to not be allowed to see him because... Well, maybe that's really where they should start. Maybe they should start with acknowledging what's happened between them—the lengths that Keith has gone to for Shiro, and the lengths that Shiro will go to for Keith.
BBC Sherlock, Sherlock/Watson, 1050 words
John knows better than to agree to anything Sherlock asks for without knowing what it is, exactly. That's his first mistake. His second mistake is not saying no when Sherlock pulls out a complicated contraption that he can't make heads or tails of at first.
Instead: “What is it?”
Jonas Brothers/Shawn Mendes, Nick/Shawn, 1013 words
“You look like an angel,” Nick hears himself say. “It's beautiful.”
Star Wars, Hux/Kylo, 1047 words
Ren struggles against the restraints he's been locked into and Hux has no doubt that were he not sufficiently gagged, he would be cursing. It's impudent behavior from an omega, especially a bitch in heat, but Hux allows it on the grounds that Ren is about to be punished enough for six lifetimes during the course of his heat. It's what he gets for missing his monthly suppressant dose—everyone knows that any omega who goes into heat aboard the ship ends up in the same place: in the spartan and austere heat room just off the medical bay.
There's only one thing in the heat room, and it's the contraption that Ren is currently strapped into. A sleek machine made of easily cleanable metals and silicone with restraints to keep an omega in place and the finest synthetic human genital replication in the galaxy, the contraption is officially known as the Heat Relief And Assistance Device, or HRAAD.
Colloquially, everyone calls it the Brutalizer.
Sukisho, Ran/Yoru, Sora/Sunao, 1113 words
“Yoru.” Fujimoru is nuzzling at the front of Sora's pajama pants, rousing him from sleep. “Please.”
“Fujimori, what—” Sora shudders at a particularly insistent nudge of Fujimori's nose along the length of his cock. “What's gotten into you?”
Dear Evan Hansen, Connor/Miguel, 1655 words
“Do you have any other bright ideas for what we could do before my mother gets home? I'm all ears.”
“Well, we could always go with your suggestion—if you'd prefer my mouth be used for something other than sassing you, that is.” Moving his hand from Miguel's hip, Connor slips it under Miguel's shirt to rest it on his bare skin. “Whatever it is we do, I think we should probably go to your room.”
“Yeah? And what are you going to do to me once we're there?”
“Learn the shape of your body with my tongue.” Connor kisses the side of Miguel's neck, directly over his birthmark, and revels in the way it makes him shiver. “Suck you off, but stop just before you come so I can ride you until you knot me. I dunno, the possibilities are endless.”
Boku No Hero Academia, Bakugou/Deku, 1063 words
He used to find that sort of thing annoying, but now it's endearing. It's that fondness that makes Bakugou rub the sleep from his eyes, turning over to assess the situation. It's not a nightmare, but Bakugou's at a loss for what it could be until the smell hits him: Deku's in heat.
“Shit.” Bakugou throws the sheets off and touches a hand to Deku's forehead. He's burning up, and Bakugou shakes him awake. “Wake up. Wake up, Deku.”
Hypnosis Mic, Dice/Gentaro/Ramuda, 1113 words
“This isn't even enough for a good bento,” Ramuda says. He pouts. “Don't tell me you gambled all your money away again!”
“Unfortunate.” Gentaro lets go of Dice and crosses his arms, turning toward Ramuda with a frown. “We are like a family, though, so maybe we should go easy on him. What do you think, Ramuda?”
OBlack Panther, Killmonger/T'challa, 1022 words
“It is not a punishment,” T'Challa says evenly. At some point, he must've said that part out loud. “You are not being punished, N'Jadaka.”
“Get it off.” Erik claws at the collar that T'Challa has fixed around his neck, a little panicked. “Get it off.”
Ouran Koukou Host Club, Mitsukuni & Tadashi, 1081 words
“But Takashi,” Mitsukuni says. There's a whine to his voice that if Takashi didn't actually know better, he would absolutely mistake for an omega's whine. “I don't like that people aren't nice to you!”
“Don't worry about it,” Takashi repeats.
Marvel Cinematic Universe, Peter/Tony, 1092 words
“I feel gross.” Peter says after a minute. He holds his arms up, like he wants to be picked up. “Carry me to the bathroom?”
“You got knocked out, you're not incapable.” Tony actually does ruffle Peter's hair this time. “Besides, we both know you're stronger than me. Proportional strength of a spider and all.”
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Credence/Percival, 1111 words
“Oh, sweetheart.” Percival beckons for Credence, who hesitates a moment more before coming forward to settle in Percival's lap. “I've told you before, you have nothing to be ashamed of.”
Voltron: Legendary Defender, Lance/Shiro, Pidge & Shiro, 1161 words
Shirtless alphas are something Shiro can control himself around. It's nothing he hasn't seen before, and it's nothing special, except for the way that Lance does it so casually it's infuriating. It's like Lance doesn't even notice that he's showing off.
Yuri!!! on Ice, Victor/Yuuri, 1022 words
Five times Yuuri strips, and one time the tables turn.
Exquisite Corpse, Andrew/Jay/Tran, 1492 words
“Hey.” Tran settles onto on Jay's lap, immediately nuzzling into Jay's neck to scent him. “I don't have anywhere to be tomorrow.”
There's an unspoken question under Tran's statement, but it takes Jay a second to understand it. When he does, his hand comes to rest on Tran's lower back. They're wearing a crop top and shorts that are barely more than underwear, so Jay's hand meets warm skin. Andrew would hate it, but Jay revels in it. Basks in the reminder that Tran is warm and real and chose to be exactly where they are.
NBC Hannibal, Hannibal/Will, 1003 words
“I know what you're doing,” Will says. He's flaking the salmon into bits instead of eating it, and Hannibal decides it's better not to push. “Don't think it you're getting away with it.”
“Oh? And what am I doing?”
“You keep feeding me aphrodisiacs.” Will points at the pile of flaked salmon with his fork. “You even seasoned with aphrodisiacs.”
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Grindelwald/Percival, 1003 words
“Stop,” Grindelwald says, and Percival stills. “There you go. That's a good omega.”
If he were in control of his own body, Percival would have flinched at the words. He's not an omega, and he's most certainly not a good one. Grindelwald must sense Percival's discomfort, because he runs a hand down Percival's face and smirks at him.
Les Misérables, Enjolras/Grantaire, 1577 words
Enjolras hangs Grantaire's coat and then reaches down to run his fingers through Grantaire's hair. This too is a kindness—he's almost expecting when Enjolras grips and tilts his head back to an uncomfortable degree.
“You have two choices,” Enjolras says, voice even and measured, “your mouth or your hands.”
“Hands, sir.” It's not actually a choice, and Grantaire knows it. There is a correct answer. “Your boots haven't been properly blacked in a month.”
Voltron: Legendary Defender, Keith/Shiro, 1013 words
The first time Keith does it is a surprise to them both. It maybe shouldn't be, since there's so much about the Galra that they both don't know, but Keith swallows Shiro down a little too enthusiastically and almost chokes in surprise. So there's that: Galran omegas don't have a gag reflex and Krolia tells Keith that's normal. Omegas need to be able to eat as much as possible and not having a gag reflex means they, if necessary, can swallow larger prey.
That's not as sexy of a thought, honestly, and Keith looks a little bit green after the conversation so they don't bring it up again for a while. Shiro doesn't care. They do everything at Keith's pace, more or less, so if Keith doesn't want to talk about it then they won't talk about it.
Teen Wolf, Scott/Stiles, 1178 words
Stiles is used to being an omega. He's also used to Scott. What Stiles is absolutely not used to is Scott being an alpha and therefore wanting to do weird alpha things to Stiles that were never an issue before because Scott was a beta up until he got bit in the woods and turned into a werewolf, because werewolves apparently only have two genders instead of three even though they use beta to mean something social—it's a whole mess and Stiles doesn't really care about the hows and whys of Scott's being an alpha now.
Shadowhunters, Alec/Magnus, 1148 words
“Think of it like a training exercise,” Magnus says as he ties the blindfold around Alec's eyes. Alec relaxes into the darkness of having his sight blocked and tries not to panic. “Okay?”
“Okay.” Alec knows his safeword. That, more than anything else, makes him okay with that's about to happen. “You won't leave, right?”
“I would never leave you, Alexander.”
Boku No Hero Academia, Bakugou/Deku/Todoroki, 1331 words
“I don't see why you're having such an issue with this,” Shouto says, “it's nothing you haven't done before.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Kacchan's hands curl into fists, and Izuku narrows his eyes at him. It's not that Kacchan would ever hurt them, but Izuku's never so sure about their walls, for example. “It's different, when it's like. It's just different, Todoroki.”
“It's important to try new things.” Izuku grins at Kacchan, who scowls. His mother would probably tell Kacchan that his face will stick like that if he keeps doing that. Izuku knows better than to bait him too much. “We can stop if you want to, Kacchan. You know we'd never hold that against you—we all have limits.”
Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys, Korse/Party, 1346 words
Closing his eyes, Party Poison breathes. It won't be long before the rest of the Killjoys come and save him, he knows, the question is more how much Korse is going to torture him before then. Korse left the room an indeterminate amount of time ago, leaving Party Poison alone with his thoughts, but he knew better than to think they were gone for good. Everything hurt, and Party Poison could only breathe.
In and out. In and out.
Marvel Cinematic Universe, Peter/Tony, 1726 words
“Do you,” she says, nearly unable to contain her excitement, “know what time it is, Mr. Stark?”
“No.” Mr. Stark unwraps Peter's arms from around his neck, and Peter acquiesces easily. “I can guess, though, based on your excitement.”
“It's midnight!” Peter throws her arms up in the air triumphantly, and Mr. Stark chuckles. “Okay, well. It's actually a few minutes past midnight, but that's not the point. The point is that it's my birthday and you owe me a present, Mr. Stark.”
Dear Evan Hansen, Connor/Miguel, 1378 words
«Cielo», Miguel says when he finally pulls away, breathy and quiet, «mi cielito, please.»
«What do you want?» Connor's fingers find their way under Miguel's tunic, warm against his skin. «Just tell me and I'll give it to you. I would give you the moon, if I could.»
«I don't want the moon», Miguel says, touching their foreheads together, «I want you.»
Boku No Hero Academia, Bakugou/Todoroki, 1212 words
It's so rare that their schedules match up and leave them alone together without Midoriya present to smooth things out, and Shouto may have gotten a little carried away. He can handle it though. This is what he always wants from Bakugou: the thrill of being chased and knowing that he might win this time. Their relationship has always been like that, even before they'd all got bonded and moved in together like good mates. He would bait Bakugou into sparring with him, causing them to snarl and bite at each other in a way that had been satisfying, but never enough. Now, Shouto can have what he's always wanted out of Bakugou and he doesn't have to worry about overstepping the bounds of their relationship.
Fall Out Boy/Panic! at the Disco, Brendon/Patrick, 1030 words
“So apparently,” Brendon says as he prompts Patrick into moving so he can slide his underwear off and toss those away too, “being mated messes with an omega's hormone balance, which is apparently a medically known fact that nobody bothers to tell omegas until they're calling the doctor because their mate is sick and they don't know what to do.”
He knows that Brendon's talking to him, but Patrick is more focused on the way Brendon is touching him.
My Chemical Romance, Frank/Gerard, 1126 words
“Okay,” Gee says, easy and willing like all Frank has to do is ask. “I don't have equipment for that, though, so you're gonna have to wait until I can call a friend.”
“Equipment? Come on, Gee.” Frank falls backwards on the bed, exasperated. “How hard is it to stick your hand in me?”
“Trust me,” Gee says, “We're gonna need equipment.”
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Credence/Percival, 1059 words
Credence mumbles something into the curve of Percival's neck, soft and completely unintelligible. He shifts slightly, and Percival steadies him.
“Did you need to change position, darling?” They've been like this for—Percival glances at the clock on the mantle—an hour, at least, and Credence must be losing feeling in his legs. “Careful, now.”
Black Panther, Killmonger/T'challa, 1210 words
“Strong,” T'challa says, mostly to himself. His fingers trace over the marks, and Erik shivers. “You could have made a good king, with more restraint.”
“Gonna leave that to you, cuz.” Erik's given up that dream. It went up in flames when the rest of Wakanda did and that's behind them, now. T'challa gave him a new path and so far it suits him. Probably better that he stays in his lane now. “You the one that's been training for it.”
“You will still make a good queen.” T'challa brings a hand up to cup the back of Erik's neck, bringing their foreheads together. “If you want, that is.”
Star Wars, Hux/Kylo, 1034 words
It's a consequence of them both being alphas, Hux knows.
They snarl at each other, and for a moment nothing happens. The tension the the air is fraught and razor sharp, and it's going to snap. Hux misses the exact moment it does, because all he knows is that suddenly he's being held up against the wall and it's nearly impossible to breathe. Ren snarls at him, pure alpha, and Hux hates the way it turns him on. He struggles against the way Ren is holding him up, not even touching him to do it, and tries to breathe. The breaths are short, barely enough, and it's an amount of control that Ren rarely shows.
Les Misérables, Enjolras/Grantaire, 2220 words
“That's a very public statement,” Jehan says. They take a sip of their tea. “I'm a little surprised, honestly.”
“Is it that surprising?” Grantaire doesn't think a lot about how their relationship looks from the outside, usually. That's for Enjolras to worry about. “It's always been this way.”
Voltron: Legendary Defender, Hunk/Lance, 1285 words
“Taste this for me,” Hunk says. Lance lets Hunk tip the spoonful of soup-esque liquid into his mouth. It tastes the way Lance remembers cherimoya to, sweet and blooming across the tastebuds like an unknowable impossibility. “Good?”
“Have you ever in your life made anything, like, even mediocre? I'll take mediocre.”
“You don't have to flatter me.” Hunk rolls his eyes, but his smile is pleased. “I'd cook for you no matter what. I'll always cook for you.”
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Newt/Percival, 1068 words
“You need to watch over everyone when the children are born,” Newt says as he feeds the mooncalves. They used to be nervous around the wampus, but they aren't now. He would never hurt them and they know it. “I won't be able to get out of bed for a while after the birth and Dougal will need your help.”
A full yowl would scare the mooncalves away, and Newt suspects that's why the wampus doesn't. Instead, it makes a soft noise that sounds the way Percival saying of course, dear feels.
Dear Evan Hansen, Connor/Evan, 1712 words
“You being upset is a big deal to me,” Connor says. He touches Evan's cheek again, thumb brushing across Evan's skin. “I'm your alpha. It's my job to make sure you're happy.”
“I'm—it's just me being sensitive.” Evan doesn't shy away from Connor's touch this time. Instead, he lets his eyes flutter close and tries to will his scent neutral. “You know, it's just. People say things about. People say things about betas and I should stop, um. I shouldn't. It shouldn't get to me.”
Les Misérables, Combferre/Grantaire, 2522 words
“Can't we talk about this later?”
“It is later.” Combeferre is careful to keep the edge out of his voice, to keep his words neutral enough that Grantaire won't panic. “Do you want me to leave, renard? Yes or no.”
Boku No Hero Academia, Bakugou/Deku, 14060 words
Some people have a Hum—a background noise like the wisp of a song you've forgotten the words to or a memory that's faded and white around the edges. Nobody's ever been able to explain what it is or why not everyone has one, but the popular theory is that it's the connection between soulmates. That somewhere in the world, there's someone on the exact same wavelength as you.
Personally, Bakugou thinks that's a load of crap. The universe does not agree with him.
Les Misérables, Enjolras/Grantaire, 2088 words
“What's wrong, alpha?” Enjolras' fork is paused, partway to his mouth. “Is dinner not to your liking?”
“No, sir,” Grantaire says quietly. He swallows, trying to will himself to eat what's on his fork. “I don't. I don't know if I can eat this.”
“You will eat it,” Enjolras says, voice hard. He sets down his fork and looks at Grantaire, disappointment clear on his face. “You know better than to waste food, alpha.”
Boku No Hero Academia, Bakugou/Deku, 4514 words
They've been married for less than a day and already Bakugou regrets it.
⌈You don't regret it and you wouldn't divorce me. You love me,⌋ Deku says. They're on a “honeymoon,” which is a fancy word for the fact they scheduled their yearly mandatory heat break for the week after their wedding. It's efficient. Also, he gets Deku all to himself for a week, so Bakugou's happy. “You loooooooooove me.”
Dear Evan Hansen, Connor/Evan, 3476 words
“No,” Connor says, soft but unyielding. “I just want you to keep me in your mouth. Can you do that for me, Evan?”
“No,” Connor repeats.
Dear Evan Hansen, Connor/Miguel, 2248 words
Summer feels like it's slipping through his fingers, though, and Connor wants every bit of Miguel he can keep for himself before it's over. He wants to ache knowing he belongs to Miguel, if only for right now. If only until Connor has to leave.
The Winchesters, Carlos Cervantez/Reader, 1481 words
“You know better than that, cariño.” Carlos draws his fingers from you hole and meets your eye. The look makes you swallow, remembering that even though he has a generally carefree attitude, Carlos is a hunter too. “You know what happens when you're greedy.”
“No.” Fingers twisting in the sheets you shake your head. “No, Carlos, please.”
Spider-Man: Spider-Verse, Miguel O'Hara/Reader, 1313 words
A slow smile spreads across Miguel's face and you barely stop yourself from shivering. The way he looks at you always makes you unsure if you should back away or sway closer. He's not your boyfriend right now. He's your Dom.
ATEEZ, Jung Wooyoung/Kang Yeosang/Kim Hongjoong & Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa, 4147 words
“Okay,” Hongjoong says the day before they're set to fly to California to perform at Coachella, “ground rules for everyone when we're in California: no random pick-ups. Not backup dancers, not other artists, not strangers on hookup apps—zero people I do not already have in the spreadsheets.”
Stray Kids, Bang Chan/Lee Felix, 7821 words
Felix bites his lower lip, worrying it slightly. “I want...”
“You want?” Chris waits a moment and then hugs Felix close. «You can ask me anything, you know.»
«I don't want to be an alpha.» The words feel too big for English, barely make it out of Felix's mouth in Korean. «I want you to... help me.»
Ateez, Park Seonghwa/Kim Hongjoong, 5009 words
“Do you... I thought you'd want to top?” Seonghwa's hands have drifted down to Hongjoong's thighs, just resting there. “People usually... I don't mind.”
“That's not what I asked, bokeh.” Hongjoong's hand cups her cheeks and he touches their foreheads together. “I asked if you *prefer* bottoming. When you touch yourself thinking of me, what do you imagine, hm?”
“I mostly think about blowing you,” Seonghwa says, sheepish. “Which, if we're gonna have sex, I would really like to do.”
Seventeen, Choi Seungcheol/Lee Jihoon, 4041 words
Jihoon meets Seungcheol's eye in the mirror and smiles. Seungcheol forces herself to smile back and hopes Jihoon doesn't think she's a pervert. It's true, but Jihoon is delicate and Seungcheol doesn't want to ruin her.
“This one looks good on you,” Seungcheol says. She adjusts where the strap is laying on Jihoon's shoulder, trying to act casual. “You should get it.”
Seventeen, Kim Mingyu/Lee Jihoon, 4041 words
Jihoon has sent him off to photoshoots leaking from both his chest and his cunt more times than Mingyu wants to admit. One morning he said Mingyu, I'm hungry before settling between Mingyu's legs and making him come three times. Afterward, face glistening with Mingyu's slick, Jihoon licked his lips. He smiled, saying thanks, I ate well before leaving Mingyu there to go work in the studio.
“Do you have anything today?” Jihoon licks his lips, chasing after errant milk that's spilled. He's a messy eater, but Mingyu thinks it's on purpose. Whenever they're strapped for time, Jihoon is exceedingly neat. “Do you want to come with me to the studio?”
K-Pop, Lee Jihoon/Bang Chan & Lee Jihoon/Bang Chan/Kim Hongjoong, 3216 words
“I'm telling Hongjoong the next time he brings up the fact that the first time you fucked him, you lasted three seconds.”
“Oppa,” Chan says—pleads, really. He doesn't add the lilt to it that would indicate it's a femme day and trusts Jihoon to know the difference. “If you tell him that, he's going to try and suck my soul out through my dick.”
“Good,” Jihoon says. His smile turns almost predatory, and Chan shudders. “Go back to working on your song now, Christopher.”
Seventeen, Choi Seungcheol/Lee Jihoon, 3059 words
In which Jihoon's timer is empty but oh does he want Seungcheol to fill it.
Ateez, Kim Hongjoong/Jung Wooyoung, 425 words
thinking about extremely shy, math major hongjoong who tutors on the side and it's mostly easy, but then wooyoung happens. (a twt thread)
Seventeen, Choi Seungcheol/Lee Jihoon, 4593 words
Seungcheol is the only one who knew Jihoon before he was Jihoon, before he found Jihoon crying in the bathroom with hair hacked to bits by kitchen scissors. Before Jihoon, more scared than he's been before or since, said I don't want to be your girlfriend anymore. Most people never knew the dead Jihoon: soft and pretty, but thoroughly disgusted with his body. That's the way he wants it. That version of him is dead and gone, except for the memory of it Seungcheol keeps.
“My Jihoonie,” Seungcheol says. His tongue traces along the curve of Jihoon's muscles and his fingers ghost along the seam of Jihoon's cunt. “Fuck—please, can I?”
Ateez, Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa, 154 words
"what's this moodboard about" wow great question! i have to go fold my laundry now bye (a twt thread)
Ateez, Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa, 248 words
powder monkey hongjoong whose ship has captured a extremely rare albino dolphin hybrid (a twt thread)
Ateez, Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa, 163 words
seonghwa who is a fashion influencer/model and all of his photos are taken by his photographer bff hongjoong (a twt thread)
Ateez, Jung Wooyoung/Kim Hongjoong, 4821 words
American magic is a desperate and hungry thing, but Los Angeles' particular brand of magic is a crystallized form of wishing. It's wishing so strong it becomes truth and bends the will of destiny itself.
Wooyoung doesn't want the world to end, and he wants that badly enough to make the wish. He just can't cast the spell to turn that wish into reality.
Seventeen, Kwon Soonyoung/Lee Chan, 3744 words
Jun hisses again, wriggling around in Soonyoung's hold, and Jihoon takes that as a sign to yowl. Chan looks around, trying to find Jihoon, and just manages to catch him as Jihoon launches himself off the fridge.
“Soonyoung is a friend.” Chan says, more desperate than he means to be. “We don't attack friends. We had this conversation when you first started living here, remember? Because you were picking on—shit, where's Wonwoo?”
Ateez, Jeong Yunho/Song Mingi, 13816 words
Yunho's extremely, infuriatingly insistent that he's straight. Mingi can't tell if it's allyship taken too far or if Yunho's just doing Catholic guilt loopholes? Her bet is on Catholic guilt loopholes: if Mingi was never a man, then Yunho technically hasn't committed the sin of sodomy. Even if Mingi's pretty sure premarital sex is... equally bad as a sin?
(or: five times someone assumed Yunho was queer and one time someone actually assumed he was straight)
Seventeen, Boo Seungkwan/Lee Chan, 555 words
“Yeah,” Seungkwan says, arms crossed, “no. We're not married.”
Seventeen, Hong Jisoo/Lee Seokmin, 550 words
“It's your wedding day. You're not in charge right now.”
Right. Yeah. She's not in charge today and her only responsibility is, as she always tells her own brides, to look beautiful—which Jisoo thinks she's nailing.
Wicked (2024), Elphaba Thropp/Galinda Upland, 503 words
“Elphie, why did you invite me?”
Galinda's—no, Glinda's—question hangs in the air between them.
Ateez, Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa, ??? words
“... Will my phone play a FLAC file?” Seonghwa doesn't actually know what any of what Jihoon's just said means, but it feels like it's probably pertinent to ask if she can even play the files he's giving her. “I don't know what that is.”
“FLAC is a lossless compressed—you don't know anything about music, huh?” Jihoon must see the confusion on her face, because he chuckles. “It's a better sounding format than an MP3, which you probably want since it sounds like you're using these as jerk off material.”
Ateez, Choi Jongho/Kim Hongjoong, 1074 words
JH is a chaebol who's gotten dumped by six different girlfriends over the past two months. HJ is a fine art photographer who's a pro sub as a hobby. (a twt thread)
Ateez, Jung Wooyoung/Kim Hongjoong, 1662 words
“Youngie's a good girl.” Even though she's trembling, Wooyoung doesn't buck up. She is a good girl, but Hongjoong can't let her be spoiled. “Don't you want to use me, oppa?”